Configuration Reference
Emigrate can be configured using a configuration file, and it uses Cosmiconfig under the hood so you can use a variety of formats and locations for your configuration file.
Configure Emigrate
/** @type {import('@emigrate/cli').EmigrateConfig} */export default { directory: 'migrations',};
import { type EmigrateConfig } from '@emigrate/cli';
const config: EmigrateConfig = { directory: 'migrations',};
export default config;
You can specify the following options:
type: string
Set the directory where your migrations are located, relative to the project root. This option is required by all Emigrate commands.
type: "pretty" | "json" | string | EmigrateReporter | Promise<EmigrateReporter> | (() => Promise<EmigrateReporter>)
default: "pretty"
- the default reporter
Set the reporter to use for the different commands. Specifying a reporter is most useful in a CI or production environment where you either ship logs or want to have a machine-readable format.
export default { reporter: 'json',};
If you want to use different reporters for different commands, you can use an object:
export default { up: { reporter: 'json', }, new: { reporter: 'pretty', // Not really necessary, as it's the default },};
type: boolean | undefined
default: undefined
Set whether to force colors in the output or not. This option is passed to the reporter which should respect it.
export default { color: false,};
type: string | EmigrateStorage | Promise<EmigrateStorage> | (() => Promise<EmigrateStorage>)
Set the storage plugin to use for storing and reading the migration history. This option is required by all Emigrate commands except new
which doesn’t use it.
export default { storage: 'mysql',};
type: Array<string | EmigratePlugin | Promise<EmigratePlugin> | (() => Promise<EmigratePlugin>)>
Set the plugins to use for the different commands. There are different types of plugins, and some are only useful for specific commands.
In short:
- Loader Plugins - are used for transforming non-JavaScript files into JavaScript files that can be executed by Node.js. These are only used by the
command. - Generator Plugins - are used for generating new migration files. These are only used by the
export default { plugins: ['typescript'],};
type: string
Set the path to a template file to use when creating new migrations. This option is only used by the new
export default { new: { template: 'path/to/template.js', },};
The migration file will use the template file’s extension, unless the extension option is set.
type: string
Set the extension to use for new migrations. This option is only used by the new
export default { new: { extension: '.ts', },};
Will create new migration files with the .ts
type: number
default: 10
Customize the number of seconds to wait before abandoning a running migration when the process is about to shutdown, for instance when the user presses Ctrl+C
or when the container is being stopped (if running inside a container).
export default { abortRespite: 10,};