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Pretty Reporter (default)

Emigrate’s default reporter. It recognizes if the current terminal is an interactive shell (or if it’s a CI environment), if that’s the case no animations will be shown.

The reporter is included by default and does not need to be installed separately.


By default, Emigrate uses the “pretty” reporter, but it can also be explicitly set by using the --reporter flag.

Terminal window
npx emigrate <command> --reporter pretty

Or by setting it in the configuration file.

/** @type {import('@emigrate/cli').EmigrateConfig} */
export default {
reporter: 'pretty',

See Reporter Configuration for more information.

Example output

Terminal window
Emigrate up v0.17.2 /your/working/directory (dry run)
1 pending migrations to run
migration-folder/20231218135441244_create_some_table.sql (pending)
1 pending (1 total)